Sunday, January 23, 2011

Artist... Thor

One of my fave Tiki artists is Thor. A few years ago, the Canadian Navy paid for me to fly to Honolulu to visit with my Navy son whose ship was docked there for a few weeks. My first time ever in Hawaii! I got to see my son AND my beloved Hawaii! Aaaaand, i got to go to the brand spanking newly opened Thor Store! (I think it was 2006-ish?)

I bought a few prints, and a puzzle and i was in Thor Heaven! SO much fun that store was! Right on Waikiki Beach! Anyway, just thought i'd post a few pics of his.

Did i mention i love Thor?

Magic of the Tiki Maker

Harmony of the Elements

The Blue Hawaii Shimmylator

P.S. Click on the small pic at the top (The Tikilixor MaiTai Mixor), and you'll see a much bigger version... :-D